The use of language: a psychoanalytic study / O consumo da linguagem: um estudo psicanalítico


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study is aimed to carry out some considerations about how language and consumption relate to each other. In order to do so, we will start with the contribution of psychoanalysis to language, which, as opposed to the communication industry that diffuses everything can be said assumes that there are limits to signifying, pointing to what is impossible to represent. Therefore, the emergence of nonsense, absurd and strange to psychoanalysts shows the impossibility of the language to enfold everything, pointing to the presence of the real. When taking into account the contributions made by different professionals, among which philosophers, sociologists and psychoanalysts on the subject of consumption, we ask what is the place for nonsense messages in mass media. We suspect the place reserved to them in publicity is not the same place they have in psychoanalytical theory. Therefore, we will discuss concepts and conceptions as psychoanalysis objects, jokes and the real, trying to understand psychoanalytical contributions to the study of language and its practice, always putting in the center of the discussion, what emerges from consumption.


real objeto a linguagem nonsense consumo tratamento e prevencao psicologica psicanálise literatura nonsense language object a real nonsense consumption

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