The use of argumentative genres in mother-tongue textbooks: Guidelines and perspectives / A abordagem dos gêneros argumentativos nos livros didáticos de língua materna: diretrizes e perspectivas




This research work aimed at investigating alleged changes in Portuguese language textbooks following the publication of the PCNs (Brazilian curricular parameters) and the implementation of the PNLD (National Textbook Program) in the mid-1990s. The general objectives included analyzing how these manuals have been dealing with text genres, specifically in activities concerning text production, thus helping to improve the quality of textbooks distributed to public school students. Specific objectives included examining the space reserved to and the approach used in argumentative genres pertaining to text production processes currently found in textbooks for 5th and 6th grades, as these materials were better assessed by the PNLD 2005; investigating how these genres have been used in text production proposals with respect to production conditions and textualization strategies (text planning, revision and rewriting); and, of course, checking whether those activities really foster the development of discursive-linguistic and argumentative capabilities. We claim that if changes occurred indeed in mother-tongue teaching-learning processes after discourse genres were established as teaching objectives, as stated in the PCNs, a new attitude also must have emerged in relation to the approach to argumentative genres, specially with respect to an awakening to the need to work with these genres from the beginning of the school experience, since the development of argumentative abilities is an essential tool in facing ideological manipulation. The theoretical-methodological basis for our work can be found in Vygotskys social psychology, especially in what concerns the role of social interaction in cognitive development and in the construction of subjectivities; in studies conducted in the field of textual linguistics; in reflections resulting from discourse analysis, mainly with respect to genre theory, Bakhtins dialogy and polyphony; in research works in psychology and education science conducted by Schneuwly and his collaborators from the Geneva Group (Dolz, Pasquier, and Bronckart) and which aim at developing didactic sequences for the teaching-learning of discourse genres as instruments of communication and social interaction, allowing for a didactic mediation between socio-discursive interactionism theory and language practices; and, lastly, in the modern argumentative theory - or New Rhetoric - introduced by Perelman.


produção textual gêneros argumentativos lingua materna text production pcns argumentative genres textbooks livro didático mother tongue pcns

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