The Unfinished Development of Brazil: BNDE and the Growth Convention from 1952 to 1978. / O Desenvolvimento Inacabado do Brasil: O BNDE e a Convenção do Desenvolvimento de 1952 a 1978.




This dissertation assesses the impact of the Growth Convention on the creation of Brazils National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDE) as well as the impact that the Growth Convention had on the strategies and programs of the BNDE from 1952 until 1978. Conversely, the dissertation also evaluates the influence that the BNDE had on the evolution of the Growth Convention over this period. Much of the information used to analyze the relationship between the BNDE and the Growth Convention was collected through personal interviews with individuals involved in the creation of the BNDE and the development of its policies. In discussing the BNDEs development from 1952 to 1978, this dissertation uncovers two significant findings. First, all of the administrations that governed Brazil during this period attempted to benefit from the BNDE, regardless of whether or not they were seen publicly as supportive of the BNDE. Second, by consistently producing high-quality work, the BNDE was able to gain the trust of the various administrations many of which were initially wary of the BNDE and enhance its own autonomy as an institution. Chapter one discusses the concepts and goals of the Growth Convention, a term coined by Brazilian economist Antonio Barros de Castro to describe the economic and social growth strategy in Brazil between 1930 and 1980. The chapter also draws upon the economic and philosophic theories of Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes to discuss the Growth Convention theories. Chapter two analyzes the impact that the military coup of April 1964 had on the BNDE personnel and its policies. Specifically, interviews with employees of the BNDE at the time of the coup illustrate that BNDE officials were concerned that the policies of the Castello Branco administration would jeopardize the Banks economic and social development initiatives. Chapters three through five delve into three periods in the development of the BNDE. The first period described in chapter three begins with the foundation of the BNDE in 1952 and continues through the Plan of Goals formulated and implemented by the Bank during the Juscelino Kubitschek administration. Chapter four starts with the turbulent administration of Jânio Quadros and continues through the governments of Jango Goulart, Castello Branco, Costa e Silva, and Médici, until October 1970, when Minister Reis Velloso appointed Marcos Vianna as President of the BNDE during the Economic Miracle. The common denominator of these very distinct administrations discussed in chapter four was that Brazil enjoyed widespread economic growth despite the fact that the country had abandoned the democratic process during this period. Another similarity among these administrations was that none of them adopted long-term growth strategies such as the Plan of Goals formulated during the Juscelino Kubitschek administration. Chapter five covers the eight year tenure (1970-1978) of Mr. Reis Velloso as Minister of Planning and Mr. Marcos Vianna as President of BNDE. It was during this period that the National Development Plan II was formulated and implemented, continuing Brazils national growth strategy. Finally, the conclusion of the dissertation provides some reflections on why Brazil may have been unable to sustain its course toward greater economic growth with social justice, fiscal transparency, and inflationary control.


bndes desenvolvimento nacional-desenvolvimentismo convenção do crescimento. economia economic development growth convention developmental state

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