The religions in jails: A study of the religious option of afrodescendents women in female penitentiaries of the Paulista metropolitan area. / AS RELIGIÕES NAS CELAS: UM ESTUDO DAS OPÇÕES RELIGIOSAS DAS MULHERES AFRO-DESCENDENTES NOS PRESÍDIOS FEMININOS DA CAPITAL PAULISTA




This research studies the choice and participation of afro-descendent women in the practiced religions in detention centers. It was based on the whole institution named prison. The present research seeks to investigate the religion in two penitentiaries of the paulista metropolitan area. Taking into account the declarations of incarcerated women, it intends to investigate how afro-descendent women (imprisoned), choose certain religions. The dissertation theoretically verified and the situation of the afro-descendent women was confirmed in the field of study. Regarding religions in this context, the study discusses what religion means to these women, how they opt, practice and participate in one on the provided carcerary space, and what the meaning of the chosen religion is in prisons daily life.


mulheres afro-descendentes religion ciencias de religião - teses e dissertações presídio religião ciencias humanas afro-descendent women prison

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