O ser negro : um estudo sobre a construção de subjetividades em afro-descendentes




This study had as objective to investigate processes of construction of subjectivity in Brazilian afro-descendants reflecting concerning as the inheritance of the escravista system rees-echo in the constitution of such processes. The methodology was made of qualitative boarding in the Historical Materialism. The data of the research had been constructed by means of the register of history of life of three citizens: a social assistant, one artesã and a student of Psychology. For the analysis we use gradual the regressive method, that is of authorship of Jean-Paul Sartre having as I begin the exercise of the dialectic for the search of the totality that if presents in the aspects of the last and present history and of the projections of future of the individuals. In the quarrel of the results we use clippings of the stories and also we adopt an analysis compared with others materials: the first one is the register of the case of genere of Simão Sardine, son of Chica Da Silva, and according to the case of a slave alforriada for the law of the free womb that sold itself same because not had conditions of if supporting. The results indicate that main the thematic one that denote the negative repercussions for the afro-brazilians the ideology of the withenning, apparent since the institution of the slavery and fortified says respect in the after-slavery, although to be denied vehemently. Directing the closing of this doutorado we write down the importance and necessity of Psychology to locate front to this thematic one, to create instruments and to offer already the existing ones to help in the understanding search on the psychic suffering that this inheritance causes for these people because it negative affects the possibilities of the exercise of the alteridade, of the racial relations.


afro-brasileiros identidade (psicologia) psicologia

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