The professional education in Brazil: the question of dualism remains the same? / A educação profissional no Brasil: a questão do dualismo ainda permanece?




The present thesis discusses the professional education in Brazil and the dualism question, analyzing its building history since Brazils colonization and the formal education managed by the Jesuits, beginning when Brazil was an empire and independent, developing into a republic, and emphasizing the promulgation of the first Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education, in 1961, its reform in 1971 and the new Law in 1996, bringing new focuses to the organization and ruling of professional education in the country. The methodology used was literature and documents using the collections available in various media. Highlight in the text the approach to the Senai and the Centro Paula Souza as examples of model maintenance education for vocational training. We aimed our objective, through a scientific and systematic study, checking that all changes during the history, the existence of dualism and its remaining in the model of professional education understood as important to the development of Brazil.


legislação educacional educacao ensino profissionalizante educação profissional educational legislation professional education formal education educação formal vocational learning

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