The pedagogical practice and the teaching of physical education in the daily course of two public state schools the district of Jardim Santo André: between the official text and the dailycourse / A prática pedagógica e o ensino de educação física no cotidiano de duas escolas públicas estaduais do bairro Jardim Santo André: entre o texto oficial e o contexto vivido




The purpose of this study is to understand the specificity of the pedagogical practice of the Physical Education teachers and instructors, the practice of which it is built in the daily course in a public school, for the purpose of comparing them to the educational curricula purposes, which guide this study., both in the national scope (PCN, 1997) and in the state one (Proposal Curricular do Estado de São Paulo, 2008). Firstly, by means of bibliographical reference and analysis of the mentioned documentation, it was identified that the consensus of the Physical Education teachers pedagogical practice at school keeps designed by the paradigm of the physical and sports aptitude. This statement has been pointed as the main barrier for the reach of a better teaching quality in Physical Education and taken as a starting point for the elaboration of new pedagogical proposals (the knowledge area) and public policies. Nevertheless, based on Caparroz (2005) studies and on empiric databases, it was seen that the pedagogical practice doe not fit in that perspective, because the peculiar teaching situations demand renew of the knowledge, of which guides this action. As for the field search, two state schools were selected located in the district of Jardim Santo André, one of the poorest sites in the city of São Paulo. Besides the observational actions at school, in the year 2008, semi structured interviews were performed with six teachers from the Physical Education area and a questionnaire with two groups of the sixth degree of the elementary school. The data analysis led the conclusion that the Sport is mostly developed in class, although the teachers had renewed the teaching concept, by harming other ones which make part of the movement corporeal culture. It us explained by the inadequate work conditions found in the educational institutes and by the socio-economic characteristics of the educators, Who, in turn, by not having the adequate place to develop the sports and leisure activities, realize un the Physical Education classes thus type of desire. The comparison between the official proposals for this teaching and the daily course revealed a distance between the written knowledge taken as ideal and the one described to be developed in the space and time of the public school. Therefore, any curriculum proposal that neglects this context is bound to fail as a change possibility


public school pratica de ensino educação física escolar curriculum physical education educacao currículo educacao fisica -- estudo e ensino escola pública

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