The manual motor ability evaluation of children between five and six years from two São Paulo schools / Avaliação da habilidade motora manual em crianças de cinco e seis anos de duas escolas paulistanas




The shortage of normative data in instruments and specific tests for the Brazilian population is a challenge to the professionals that intend to measure the effectiveness of its work. At the practical clinic, many diagnoses, preventions and treatments are established with the use of tests or measuring instruments. Instruments and tests that cover the motor developing aspects of manual coordination ability are even harder to find on the Brazilian childrens norms and are important to notice the motor coordination issues that may affect their ability to take care of themselves, social activities and school performance. This study intended to find validation evidences of three manual motor ability tests, Purdue Pegboard, Finger Tapping and Simple Reaction Time in 134 right-handed children of 5 and 6 years old from two schools based in São Paulo, one of which is a private school and the other one is a public school with different socioeconomic levels. The specific objectives were intended to compare the performance of the manual motor ability tests between sexes and ages of 5 and 6 years olds, and to verify whether there was a performance difference in the tests between the children from the public and private school. The results showed a significant correlation between the three tests helping to validate the theory. Regarding the specified objectives, it was observed that between all the manual motor ability, only on the Purdue Pegboard 3 and 4 sub-tests did the girls perform better than the boys; the older children achieved a better performance on the tests; and the manual motor ability tests performance doesnt depend on which type of school the children attend.


purdue pegboard finger tapping evaluation instruments tempo de reação manual motor ability habilidade motora manual instrumentos de avaliação psicologia reaction time finger tapping purdue pegboard

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