The itinerant teacher as a means to promote inclusive education in Rio de Janeiro / O professor itinerante como suporte para a educação inclusiva em escolas da rede municipal de educação do Rio de Janeiro




The proposition of including special needs students in the regular school system, has reached an important position in the national and international educational debates, although the Brazilian inclusion experiences have been isolated and not very well publicized. The lack of appropriate understanding from the part of regular teachers about the teaching-learning process of people with special needs, has been considered, frequently, as one of the main obstacles for the implementation of inclusive education. From this perspective, the modality of itinerant teaching, seems to represent a valid educational alternative for the inclusion of special needs students in the regular school system, especially in the great urban centers, where there is no availability of teachers specialized in all the different areas of handicap in all the schools. This study discusses the work of the itinerant teacher in schools that have special needs students included in regular classroom. Two itinerant teachers who work in three public schools located in the West Zone of the City of Rio de Janeiro were participants in this research. The research methodology chosen was qualitative with an ethnographic approach. For data collecting tools were used participant observation, documental analysis, microanalysis, and open and semi-open interviews. The results have shown that the work done by the itinerant teachers involves many functions in the school setting, going beyond the support to the regular teachers and help to the special needs students included. In reality they act as agents of mediation, sensibility and mobilization pro-inclusion in the schools where they work.


educação inclusiva educação itinerante inclusive education educacao especial teacher learning process formação de professores itinerant teaching

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