The (Dis)oriented in Brasil: permanent visa of libaneses in contemporary Brasilian fiction / (Des) orientes no Brasil: visto de permanência dos libaneses na ficção brasileira contemporânea




In contemporary Brasilian literature individuals of arabian origin are moving out of the margins of fiction to eventually occupy the centre of narratives. A growing number of writers, many from libanese communities, are dealing with the immigration of this ethnic group in their writings. This dissertation analyses the representation of the libanese immigrant in the novels of Milton Hatoum, Raduan Nassar, Salim Miguel and Ana Miranda and its connection with the hegemonic, nationalist discourse. It asks how the representation of this immigration manifests itself, how the families of the immigrants and their descendants are depicted, what images and stereotypes reoccur, what image of the Orient is constructed and, finally, what place in the new society the immigrantes are occupying. This dissertation looks at the relationship between literature, society and its symbolic productions, having as a theoretical background the concept of mimesis by Luiz Costa Lima, orientalism by Edward Said, the construction of stereotypes by Homi Bhabha, as well as reflections of Bhabha and Stuart Hall about the imagined nation.


contemporary novel romance contemporâneo representação literária representation in literature letras imigração libanesa libanese immigration

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