The construction of the self and the truth in cases of sexual violence against teenage girls / A construção da verdade e a constituição do sujeito em casos de violencia sexual contra adolescentes do sexo feminino




In this research we observed and we described how the truth is built starting from the analysis of two pertinent lawsuits to the sexual violence against female adolescents, and, consequently, how the selves involved are constituted in such cases. Our corpus is constituted of two processes on the sexual violence against female adolescents, and in one of them the defendant is condemned, and in the other he is absolved. We chose two cases, one of condemnation and another of absolution, to try to show in which circumstances, through which discourse, which truths the judge arrives in a punishment-condemnation veredict or absolution. For the development of the research, we used the archeological and genealogical method of Foucault, because we didn t use predetermined categories; therefore, the analysis doesn t classify the speeches, but it encompasses the descontinuity of the statements. The archeology tries to define the own speeches while practices that obey rules and it tries to describe how the field is constituted while related to the several kinds of knowledge present in it. On its side, the genealogy investigates the origin of the knowledgement, search to justify the factors that interfere in the emergency, in the permanence and adaptation of the discursive practices. With effect, known that in cases of sexual violence, as the rape and the attack to the shame, they usually happen in solitary places and, therefore, without the presence of witness, and for that reason the victim s discourse is one of the largest proofs in those cases, our work hypothesis is the one that there is a tendency of the part of the accused desconstruct the victim s discourse. Found by the theory of the discursive formations, of relationships of power, of truth and of self of Michel Foucault, we guided our research, in a first moment, drawing a course of the Structuralism to the birth of the Discourse Analysis, considering the language notion and of discourse. Soon afterwards, we looked for to consider the relationships of power, truth and self with base in the theoretical foundations of Foucault, in the intention of constituting a history of the man and of their values in different times, since the Classic Era to the current days. The data indicated that the juridical knowledge consolidates in discursive practices of social differentiation among individuals, which are built in the breast of social relationships of power, whose truth regime include varied discursive types and makes them true, through mechanisms, tactics and strategies that allow to distinguish if the statement it is true or false. Finally, we are inserted in a society model discipline, and, for this reason, we are manufactured by objective mechanisms and of subjective for being constituted, through our truth, in self and in objects docile, useful, normalized. Finally, we intended to contribute with the researches that refer to the theme, be in the area of the Linguistics, of the Sociology, of the Right, of the Psychology or of the Education.


analise do discurso truth discourse analysis violencia sexual letras sexual violence

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