The bureaucratic internship and teacher education: landscapes of action and landscapes of awareness in english language licensure a case study / O estágio burocrático e a formação do professor: paisagens de ação e paisagens de consciência na Licenciatura em Língua Inglesa - um estudo de caso




This dissertation has investigated, by means of a case study in a private college, supervised teachers internships at Teachers College for English teachers. Despite proposing hands-on experience in the work place, the supervised internship, legally mandatory for teachers to graduate, quite often turns out to be a moment of frustration for the teacher-to-be. By bringing to light the theoretical background of such an internship, this investigation indicates that bureaucracy interferes in the construction of identity, as well as in a teachers education and preparation. This unique experience can, however, be a fulfilling event in the interns journey if it is given the due orientation. The investigation has concluded that by adopting a sociological, ethnographic and dialectic approach to such an initial yet significant research paper, interns will be more inclined to see beyond the red tape and involve themselves in a rewarding investigation of: what a teacher is, what a teacher does, who am I and what kind of teacher do I wish to be. I therefore argue that active and engaging participation at this point in an interns career is essential for promoting innovative teacher education for the modern, everchanging world.


observação participante construção de identidade estágio supervisionado formação de professor participative observation ethnographic research pesquisa etnográfica construction of identity teacher education supervised internship

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