The affective in the classroom : the teaching activities and its implication in the subject-object / A afetividade na sala de aula : as atividades de ensino e suas implicações na relação sujeito-objeto




The objective of this research is to deepen the study around the subject affectivity in the school context accomplished by the author in graduate level (Scientific Initiation). This paper proposes to continue its observation to the teacher?s pedagogic practices, focusing specifically on the teaching activities developed by teachers in a high school setting. This study has the intention of identify the dimension of affectivity presents in pedagogic activities developed by teachers in the classroom and analyzes, in a deep and detailed way, its contributions to the nature of relations established between subject (student) and object (school contents). The referral theory adopted in this research is based on the authors Vigotski and Wallon that emphasize cultural, historical and social determinants of the human condition and they consider that man?s affective dimensions and cognitive dimensions are inseparable. The methodology adopted was the case of study, that is inserted to the ambit of the qualitative approach of this research. The gathering of data was given through the procedure of autoscopy. The analysis, for instance, consisted of grouping people logs in ten thematic nucleus related to the activities that took place in the classroom as well as the impacts of them during the subject-object relation.


sujeito (educação) mediação teaching subject (education) mediação affective afetividade ensino

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