The action-research in Brazil: mapping of the production (1966-2002) and the internal indicators of the collaborative action-research / A pesquisa-ação / investigação-ação no Brasil: mapeamento da produção (1966-2002) e os indicadores internos da pesquisa-ação colaborativa




The main object of this research aimed for giving visibility to the Brazilian production in action-research / action-inquiry, focusing overall on collaborative action-research. These researchs conceptions stimulates the approach among teachers and researchers, by collaborating on investigative proceedings developed with, for e by teachers on school practices. In most cases, those researches were developed in schools. This study was developed in four sections: The first one is formed by a bibliographic study that aimed to indicate the theoreticians that have influenced this modality of research in Brazil. In order to achieve that some authors were taken: Saul, Freire, Thiollent, Barbier, Costa, André, Nóvoa, Geraldi, Fiorentini, Pereira, Stenhouse, Elliott, Carr, Kemmis and Zeichner. On the second part we have mapped dissertations and thesis on this kind of action-research, produced in Post Graduation Programs of Education in Brazil, between 1966-2002, presenting them in categories and subcategories investigated. The third one is formed by a qualitative documental study about a sample of actionresearches, designed by collaborative action-researches. It aimed to give visibility to process undertaken in those researches. How did they get organized? How the process were lead? Which strategies were used by the researches to stimulate teachers to reflect and investigate their practices? How happened the changing process? How have the teachers changed? What kind of problems they faced? Which proceedings of analysis and collecting of data did they use? On the fourth section, supported by the first and third parts, we related the practices undertaken in thesis and dissertations studied (empirical categories: researchess focus; space of materialization of the researches; procedural organization of the researches; repercussion of the process; problems faced and; methodological resources used) and the theories about action-research.


action-inquiry teacher education partnership university-school pesquisa-ação pesquisa-ação colaborativa collaborative research formação de professores action-research investigação-ação state of art pesquisa colaborativa collaborative action-research estado da arte parceria universidade-escola

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