"Terceira idade" e cidade: o envelhecimento populacional no espaço intra-urbano de Santos / "Thierd age" and city: the populational aging in the intra-urban space of Santos city




This work aims to comprehend the populational aging of the city of Santos, in São Paulo, Brazil, and the day-by-day of its aging population in the intra-urban space. By the study of the making of Santoss urban structure and through the analysis of interviews halfstructured, we suggest that the major part of the aged population of Santos with its physical and financial autonomy is more present in some spaces than in others, according to the logic of the urban structure that organized the residential areas and the urban locations in the city. The use of the certain places to stay instead of just a place to pass though marks them and the city itself. We call this marked places as aging urban locations


aging santos espaço intra-urbano santos intra-urban space envelhecimento third age estrutura urbana terceira idade urban structure

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