Tentativa e acerto, a reforma gráfica do Jornal do Brasil e a construção do SDJB / Tentativa e acerto, a reforma gráfica do Jornal do Brasil e a construção do SDJB




The graphical renovation of Jornal do Brasil (a wide-circulation brazilian newspaper) and the elaboration of its sunday supplement Suplemento Dominical do Jornal do Brasil fit in the context of the breakthrough through which brazilian design was undergoing during the 1950s and 60s. The renovation of the aforementioned publications a process laden with idiosyncrasies should be considered as an integral part of this rupture with pre-modern brazilian design but, at the same time, the publications were actively distancing themselves from what was becoming the standard design-scheme that was laying claims on graphical projects in Brazil at that period. The present dissertation seeks to shed some light on the interplay of these features relying on a page-to-page visual analysis of these publications. Furthermore, the dissertation does not shy from retracing the history of Jornal do Brasils graphical renovation and of the emergence of its supplement, questioning the deep-rooted mythology surrounding these origins with the support of the growing bibliography on the issue and interviews with people involved.


modern design design moderno graphic design reynaldo jardim amilcar de castro jornal do brasil suplemento dominical do jornal do brasil jornal do brasil suplemento dominical do jornal do brasil amilcar de castro design gráfico reynaldo jardim

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