Technologies in the school: tools or possibility of interaction with the world? / Tecnologias nas escolas: ferramentas ou possibilidade de interação com o mundo? / Tecnologias nas escolas: ferramentas ou possibilidade de interação com o mundo? / Technologies in the school: tools or possibility of interaction with the world?




This dissertation is part of the Research Program on Pedagogical Practices and Their Relationships to Teacher Training of the Education Department and has as its aim analyzing and discusses the concepts of the school supervisors and counselors on the use of educational technologies in their pedagogical practices. Its specific goals are: to analyze the training of the school counselors and supervisors in relation to the use of educational technologies; to analyze the use of educational technologies in the practice of the school counselors and supervisors; and to analyze how the school counselors and supervisors perceive the repercussion of their practice on the whole school community when they use educational technologies. The participants in this study were 15 educational counselors and 15 school supervisors working in 15 schools in the municipal school network of the city of Campo Grande, capital of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The data were collected by using a questionnaire with open questions that helped the participants to express their ideas and by making interviews. The guidelines for this study are theories on the importance of initial and continued training and theories on the use of educational technologies. In terms of the method of investigation, this is a descriptive-explicative study with a qualitative approach. The analysis of the data brings out that the concepts of the school counselors and supervisors are moving slowly from the use of technologies as tools which merely help them to their use as a means of communication and interaction with the world. It is detected that the performance of the specialists is jeopardized due to work overload. There is still a need for positive actions in relation to technologies on the part of government agencies. It is necessary to make changes in the educational system as a whole so that public schools have free access to the internet, go beyond the walls and fences and get connected to the world; it is urgent to look for a more flexible school curriculum that makes it possible to have a less bureaucratic school and a way of teaching focused on projects, the solving of problems, research, virtual and face to face collaboration; to rethink the initial and continued training courses for educators; to look for a more democratic school management, willing to dialogue, that opens the school doors so that the community can participate; to rethink the salary policies for educators so that they have more access to adequate conditions of work and housing, to culture, leisure, technologies and medias.


reflexão educacao educational technologies tecnologias educacionais formação de professores reflection teacher training

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