Support-verb and usual cristallized expressions: analysis proposal of discursive and semantic values / Verbo-suporte e expressões cristalizadas: um enfoque sintático-semântico-discursivo




This dissertation presents an analysis proposal of discursive and semantic values of wordings using a support-verb and of usual crystallized expressions in the Portuguese language in Brazil. The corpus analyzed is composed by texts of different classes, collected from newspapers and magazines published since 2003, which evidence the increasing appearance of the verbal uses focused. This work starts from the theoretical presupposition that the verb is a knot to be undone; differently from what many authors have been reporting relatively to the support-verb, there is not a complete semantic emptying, what exists is a new way of speaking, in which is privileged the connotative use of the verb, which changes from heavy to slight, according to the nomenclature used by many scholars, who attribute it a value of assistance. While the use of support-verbs in Brazil has been focusing lexical aspects, other different ways have appeared, enriching the vocabulary and reforming ways of speaking. This brings these expressions closer to an open class. The verb added to some nouns or taking part in expressions, far from emptying itself, enlarges or modifies its meaning in the discursive process.


língua portuguesa - semântica expressões cristalizadas discursive process língua portuguesa - verbos português do brasil verbo-suporte polissemia lingua portuguesa polysemy crystallized expressions support-verb análise do discurso gramaticalização

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