Spiritual Bakery: culture and politics in Fortaleza (Brazil) in the 19th centurys end (1892-1898) / Padaria espiritual: cultura e política em Fortaleza no final do século XIX (1892-1898)




This study aimed at analyzing the origin of one of the most significant literary movements ever appeared in Ceará, namely that of the "bakers", started on May 30th, 1892. The literary frenzy in Ceará and the social nature of this movement, resulting in the formation of literary groups or circles, is due to a large extent to the the interest of those men of letters in entering the field of journalism or finding a public job, for the scholarly activities were seen at the time as a path to socio-economic growth. The "bakers" group differed from the Mocidade Cearense (Ceará Youth) movement, which was committed to promoting the emerging urban sectors economic interests and bore close links with the traditional agricultural oligarchies, making use of a scientific theoretical background based on positivist and evolutionist ideas. On the other hand, the members of the "bakers" movement, which derived from the Novos do Ceará (Ceará Youngsters) group, adopted a new literary project based on the values and habits of the heroic and brave countryside men. The literary and artistic movement of the "bakers" searched to find "something new", therefore moving away from the scientific and scholarly formalities which characterized many prior movements. Its strong bohemian and witty character caused outrage in the calm and provician Fortaleza of the time, used to no kore than droughts, humour and "aluá". In contrast with the literary project of the old Youth, which searched to preserve the european bourgeois structure of the State of Ceará, the Padaria Espiritual (Spiritual Bakery) promised to speak the language of the universe of habits and values of the people of Ceará, opposing the liberal and bourgeois world of the middle and upper classes that lived in the great urban centers and experience its vicious or degenerative relations, while the countryside man remained pure and innocent in his all but formal relations. Therefore, the "bakers" movement rhetorically opposed the bourgeoisie, responsible for the dissemination of a set of norms and values that started a process of significant economic changes linked to the ideas of "civilization" and "progress" and that were very well received, in detriment of the culture of the poor and humble population lacking the minimal survival conditions.


civilização padaria espiritual ceará youngsters movimentos beletrísticos mocidade cearense spiritual bakery ceará youth civilization. novos do ceará literary movements

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