Special education and inclusion process for young and elder students: a case study / Educação Especial frente à inclusão de jovens e adultos: um estudo de caso




This essay presents a case study from a special education school for young and elder, with the objective of identifying inter-personal relationship between teachers, students, administrative crew and a multidisciplinary team during school daily routine; detecting and pointing out, if there are, inter-relational leveraging elements in the inclusion process and teaching-learning process from young and elder students with handicap, and finally grasp the mind-frame the docent and multidisciplinary team have of the students and their handicaps as well as the pedagogical work in the institution. The hypothesis is that interpersonal relationship take significant part in helping overcome the differences of opportunity in the school environment that one intends to be inclusive, and that, specifically in the school of special education, we can find traces in the daily relations among its participants, so that, it could be a contribution to the discussions about the inclusion process of handicapped in the regular school system. A bibliographic review has been done on the presented problem, on handicap background, on special education as well as on the inclusion of handicapped students on the regular school system. Carl R. Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach has contributed by means of the facilitating conditions of the interpersonal relationships, to outline some of the categories of analysis of the current research: Authenticity, Positive Unconditional Acceptance and Empathic Comprehension. During data collection, it has become relevant the theoretical basis from the School Organizational Environment, from Luc Brunet, that complements the approach from the categories above, including other organizational attributes such as the role of the school principal in the development of a positive or negative organizational environment. The research has been conducted through observation of the school environment, interviews with four teachers and the school principal. According to the data collected, the school environment is an important factor in the development and implementation of new pedagogical approaches and the school principal role unfolds as the facilitator of the relationship between educational actors. It may be concluded that for the inclusion of handicapped students in the regular school system to actually happen those factors should be taken into account, as well as the technical background of the docent team and valuing the school team.


inclusão special education psicologia educacional jovens e adultos relações humanas educação especial young and elder inclusion

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