SoluÃÃes auto - similares e comportamento assintÃtico para as equaÃÃes de navier - Stokes




This master dissertation deals with the Navier-Stokes s equations on Rm, assuming that the fluid is incompressible and homogeneous. We analyzed the Cauchy s problem in Marcinkiewicz spaces (L p−weak), with the right index to allow the existence of selfsimilar solutions. We also study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions and show the existence of a basin of attraction for each self-similar solution. Furthermore, we study the problem of Cauchy s on L p, and assuming more regularity in the initial condition, we prove some decay estimates for the solution. The contents of this dissertation can be found in the following references [2, 3, 6, 11, 13, 17]


self-similar solutions espaÃos de lorentz comportamento assintÃtico lorentz spaces soluÃÃes auto-similares equaÃÃes de navier-stokes matematica asymptotic behavior

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