Sobre a estabilidade de cantoneiras de aço formadas a frio submetidas à compressão / On the stability of cold-formed steel angles under compression




Apparently, the structural analysis of a simple angle under compression is an elementary problem, therefore, already largely known. However, cold-formed steel angles, mostly with slender legs, present two critical buckling modes: (i) global-flexural mode, in cases of high length members, (ii) and a coincident local-plate/global-torsional-flexural mode, which is critical for short length members. Although simplified design procedures exist, recommended by specifications, the consideration of the torsional-flexural mode is controversial among researchers. A few recent papers indicate that considering the torsional-flexural mode is conservative, while other papers point to the necessity of this approach. This work investigates the structural response of simple and lipped angles under concentrically and eccentrically compression, by means of tests and nonlinear finite element analysis, being evaluated the effect of initial geometric imperfections; also evaluating the results from design procedures: (i) the classic effective width method and (ii) the direct strength method (DSM), where the angles are not pre-qualified shapes. The results of the experimental and nonlinear numerical analysis with initial imperfections indicate the necessity of considering the torsional-flexural mode.


método da resistência direta geometric imperfections steel structures análise numérica não-linear direct strength method estruturas de aço imperfeições geométricas cold-formed steel members structural stability perfis de aço formados a frio numerical non-linear analysis estabilidade estrutural

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