Sistemas baseados em regras fuzzy e aplicações / Fuzzy rule-based systems and applications


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




A Fuzzy rule-based system is a mathematical tool that uses the fuzzy logic to find answers or control a specific type of problem. We will use this tool to classify people as the ability to entrepreneurship, in order to qualify them as suitable or not to open their own company. Furthermore, we show two more applications of this tool: one related to medical diagnosis, identifying the higher chance of a child having a kind of disease, and another related to clay products, ranking the quality of the final product, the brick. We will also introduce the concept of P-Fuzzy System, which is a dynamic system obtained of a fuzzy rule-based system. This system has applications in modeling of several problems, such as population dynamics.


sistemas p-fuzzy empreendedorismo sistemas fuzzy matematica aplicada fuzzy rule-based system entrepreneurship p-fuzzy system

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