Sharing and constructing knowledge: mediated action between children and teenagers in the development of a pedagogical-literary blog in a public library of São Paulo city / Compartilhando e construindo conhecimento: ação mediada entre crianças e adolescentes no desenvolvimento de blog pedagógico-literário em uma biblioteca pública da cidade de São Paulo




This research project investigates how knowledge is constructed by mediated actions between children, adolescents and researcher in the development of a pedagogical-literary blog. This study, based on the concepts of participative ethnographic research started from data collected in a systematic weekly workshop that occurred between September 2006 to November 2007 with readers at Belmonte Public Library, in the district of Santo Amaro, in the city of São Paulo. Interaction between participants and individual interviews were recorded on video and transcribed for description and analysis. Interaction that emerged from participants of this research is consistent with the principles of Communal Constructivism (Holmes, 2001), in which learners construct knowledge that may be used in benefit of their learning community. The analysis leads to the conclusion that research participants, after having acquired knowledge that empowers them to create, edit and maintain blogs, can make use of this new technology autonomously, creating new networks of collaborative learning as a cultural tool of use, authoring and development of new knowledge


mediated action collaborative learning communal constructivism aprendizagem colaborativa interação ação mediada construtivismo comunal blog educação interaction construção de conhecimento blog education knowledge construction

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