Sentidos e significados sobre inclusão e ensino-aprendizagem: reflexões de um aluno com necessidade especial e de sua professora de inglês




This dissertation aims at investigating the meanings and senses attributed by a special needs learner and his English teacher, concerning inclusion and teaching learning. This study is anchored on Sociocultural and Historical Theory (Vigotski, 1934/2003) and has got as its theoretical framework: mediation in teaching-learning and development (Vigotski, 1934/2003; Newman e Holzman, 2002; and others), defectology (Vigotski, 1926a/2004; Daniels, 2007; and others); meanings and senses (Vigotski, 1934/2001; González Rey, 2000; Aguiar, 2000; Bakhtin; 1929-30/1992; and others); emotions and feelings (Vigotski, 1930/2004; Aguiar, 2006; González Rey, 2005; Daniels, 2007a; Freire, 1996/2006; and others); inclusion-exclusion based on the previous discussions (Daniels, 2007; Spinoza, 1677/2003; Vigotski, 1934/2003; Sacristán, 2002; and others). The data were analyzed according to the category of thematic content proposed by Bronckart (1999), based on the lexical choices made by the participants of this research. This study was carried out in a state school in the central region of the Greater São Paulo and its methodology is routed on qualitative and critical-collaborative research (Minayo and Sanches, 1993; Madureira, 2000; Magalhães, 2007). Given the analysis of the student and the teachers thematic contents, it was possible to establish a reflection about inclusion in practice and about the emotions of the subjects who experience it closely -student and teacher- indicating that there are many gaps between the idealization and prescription of inclusion and the school practice, besides the multiplicity of contradictory feelings that coexist in inclusion-exclusion and the importance meanings can have on the construction of the sense that the subject can attribute to himself


special needs língua inglesa linguistica aplicada ensino-aprendizagem educacao inclusiva professores de ingles necessidades especiais sentidos e significados meanings and senses inclusão lingua inglesa -- estudo e ensino english language teaching-learning inclusion

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