Sensory characterization by free choice profile and time-intensity analysis reconstituted pineapple juice (Ananas comosus L. Merril) with the addition of sugar and differents sweeteners. / Caracterização sensorial por perfil livre e analise tempo-intensidade de suco de abacaxi (Ananas comosus L. Merril) reconstitutido e adoçado com diferentes edulcorantes.




The tropiacais fruits for its caracteristicos aroma and flavor are appreciated in the entire world. It enters the fruits of bigger prominence meets the pineapple, with differentiated and potential sensorial quality of exportation in expansion. Brazil, world-wide bigger room producing, exported in 2004 an amount of juice of pineapple about 5 times bigger in compração to the 2002. The edulcorantes are an alternative to sweeten juices and foods, the interest in the study of the behavior of these composites it must concern with the health and to the aesthetic standards tied with the low corporeal weight. The objective of this work was to carry through analyses fisico-chemistries, determination of the ideal doçura and the doçura equivalent, analysis of acceptance, free profile and analysis juice time-intensity of industrialized, reconstituido pineapple and sweetened with sucralose, aspartame, estévia, ciclamato/sacrina and sacarose. The data gotten for the free profile had been analyzed through Generalized the Procrustes Analysis. The parameters of the curve time-intensity had been evaluated through the Analysis of Variância (ANOVA), tests of averages of Tukey and Análise de Main Componentes (the ACP). All the estatisticas analyses had been carried through using program SAS. The ideal concentration of sacarose in the pineapple juice sample was of 8,5%, only the estévia ultrapssou the maximum limits of Brazilian legislation in the ideal concentration and quivalente to scarose 8,5%. The results of the methods of ideal doçura and doçura equivalent of edulcorantes had been different, being evidenced that how much lesser the edulcorante power more distinct is the values. The order of established edulcorante power was: estévia, aspartame, ciclamato/sacarina 2:1 and sucralose. The samples most accepted for the consumers had been with sucralose, aspartame and sacarose. The purchase intention disclosed a bigger certainty of acquisition of the product for the sample with sucralose. The free profile raised 16 attributes in the studied samples, however the unicos with 100% of high correlation in main component 1 had been: the taste amargoe the taste residual bitter taste. The free profile also demonstrated that the samples with the ciclamato/sacarina mixture and estévia if mainly characterize for the gostos bitter taste and residual bitter taste, while asmostras with sucralose, aspartame and sacarose if characterize for the flavor of pineapple, aroma of pineapple and acidity, common attributes of the juice "in natura". In the analysis time-intensity it was verified secular similarity antre the juices sweetened with sacarose, sucralose and aspartame, beyond this method confirming the descaracterização of the samples for the edulcorantes estévia and ciclamato/sacarina, probably had to the bitter taste. The set of the sensorial and fisico-quimicos tests suggests that the substitution of sacarose for aspartame and sucralose does not imply in significant differences in the pineapple juice samples.


edulcorantes sensory analysis abacaxi pineapple avaliação sensorial sweeteners

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