Seguro ambiental: uma análise da sua inserção no padrão de gestão ambiental das empresas do Pólo Industrial de Camaçari.




This work analyzes the environmental insurance with the main purpose of diagnosing their inclusion in standard environmental management of companies of the Camaçari Industrial Polo. The secondary objective was to analyze the behavior of the insurance environment in the context of the operations of insurance markets nationally and internationally and through the perceptions of the companies of the Pole on the risks arising from the production process, analyze the dynamics of environmental management practiced. The pollution damage to the environment and others may represent losses that can affect the economic and financial balance of companies with the costs of damages and recovery of the affected environment. The changes in legislation are causing major concerns because of the importance given to civil liability against such damage. Furthermore, the increased awareness of society can foster an environment favorable to the demand of insurance for environmental risks. The greatest interest of the population about the future of the planet and, in particular, the business case for the legal possibilities of pollution, justify the importance of this work. The research method used was the empirical-analytic, consisting of exploratory research combined with field research on the operations of insurance for environmental damage in the business complex located at the Pole. It was observed that the main barriers to wider availability of environmental insurance is the low effectiveness of law enforcement and the high degree of confidence in environmental management systems available. Both discourage demand and promote a minimal share of the business environment in the insurance operations of the insurance industry. Greater attention from government officials on law enforcement and improvement of insurance through the formation of pools, reducing the cost of environmental insurance are displayed prospects that might favor the market, society and environment.


dano ambiental environmental risk gestão ambiental environmental insurance environmental management environmental damage bahia meio ambiente bahia risco ambiental pólo industrial de camaçari seguro ambiental camaçari industrial polo economia

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