SEÇÃO SINDICAL APRUMA/ANDES/SN SINDICATO NACIONAL: uma análise sócio-histórica de suas bandeiras e lutas / UNION SECTION APRUMA/ANDES/SN - NATIONAL UNION: a socio-historical analysis of their flags and struggles


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present work is the result of a field research undertaken in Brazilian Higher Education Union Section. It analyses the establishment of a Union Section of ANDES-SN (Associação Nacional dos Docentes de Ensino Superior-Sindicato Nacional), in a public higher education institution, as well as its struggles and ideals. Research material collected: documents from the archive of Centro de Documentação CEDOC in Secretaria Geral do Sindicato Nacional in Brasília-DF, hrough research in letters, emails, articles, between the trade Union Sections ANDES-SN and APRUMA (Associação dos Professores da Universidade Federal do Maranhão). In São Luís-MA there are the semi-structured interviews with professors who cofounded APRUMA and bibliographic reference which contributes to the understanding and analysis of the object and of the categories which underlie it. As a result of the analysis, we find a historical review of labor conditions and relations in Brazilian Higher Education Institutions which indicates the motivations for founding a national syndical representation, ANDES/SN, and a syndical section at UFMA. The struggles confronted by national syndicate of higher education institutions demonstrate the proletarianization of labor and loss of bargaining power compared to government apparatus and control of research foundation institutions which finance studies in Brazilian universities. These institutions discipline university careers accordingly with financing capital of public policies in education. In this study we consider that syndicates power and manner of negotiation have changed throughout the last thirty years, specifically highlighted the relationship between Central Única dos Trabalhadores - CUT and President Luís Inácio Lula da Silva. The aim of this work is to understand how the social, political and economic indicators may have interfered in this changing process.


educacao syndicate professors proletarization higher education education sindicato docentes proletarização ensino superior educação

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