Ritos, corpos e intermedicalidade: anÃlise das prÃticas de resguardos de proteÃÃo ente os Ramkokamekra




The present study is an analysis of taboo practices, especially of the precautions (resguardos), in the Ramkokamekra society, village Escalvado, located in the plateau region, in the state of MaranhÃo. It emphasizes the health protection against pollutant substances present in certain foods, in menstrual blood, and in the sexual intercourse between the members of this society. In that sense, it discusses the notion of corporeality of the people Ramkokamekra, synthesized by the native (emic) category strong body, that is, a body built with base in the execution of the precautions in order to avoid its weakness and, for that, the possibility to contract diseases. Through the field-work and the participant observation, it was possible to realize the importance of precautions in the daily of this group, especially evidenced in liminal period: initiation rites, menstruation, pregnancy and post parturition. The analysis encloses yet a discussion about the relation between the traditional therapeutic model (composed by preventive and curine practices) and the biomedical one, both situated in a context of intermedicality, considerating the negotiations and resignifications of the social subjectâs practices involved in it: indigenous, pajÃs, indigenous health agents and biomedical professionals


precautions corporeidade indigenous of maranhÃo Ãndios do maranhÃo ramkokamekra intermedicalidade ramkokamekra corporeality antropologia saÃde indÃgena resguardos intermedicality indigenous health

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