A socializaÃÃo para cooperaÃÃo: uma anÃlise de prÃticas de educaÃÃo nÃo-formal




The main question that this study intends to answer is: which are and how are developed practices of non-formal education that socialize the cooperative value. The dichotomy community and society, the increasing process of individualization, the characteristic individualism of the capitalist context and the theories of socialization, help us to make a case study in a cultural group of the âPrograma de AnimaÃÃo Culturalâ (PAC). The solidary economy, wich is based in solidarity, and the popular education are perceived as potential spaces for the socialization of the cooperative value. The context of our case is presented from its history, structure and objectives, from the activities of qualification for the non-formal educators, and from the school in which the group is inserted and the group itself. Our attention is come back toward to the cooperation, doing together, and to the cooperative value, which approaches to the solidarity idea, implying a commitment with the other. Through participant observation, interviews and documentary analysis we make an ethnographic description, we construct some pointers of cooperatives practices, as: activities carried through in group and stimulation of respect to the other. The educator of the group propitiated chances of socialization of the cooperative value, but for his understanding of the role that a teacher must play, he said more about the cooperatives practices than offered moments of experience them. This study allowed to deep the understanding of mechanisms of socialization of the cooperative value in the non-formal education and at the same time to perceive the presence of individualistic values, as obstacle to consider.


sociologia cooperaÃÃo cooperation socializaÃÃo educaÃÃo nÃo-formal socialization non-formal education

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