Richard Rorty : da epistemologia a ironia, a trajetoria de um liberal




In this work we present Richard Rorty s ideas, from our reading of Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, 1979, in which he criticises the philosophical foundationalism, Consequences of Pragmatism, 1982, in which he elucidates this critique, and Contingency, irony and solidarity, 1989, in which he proposes a new philosophy. We show how Rorty deconstructs the epistemology-centered philosophy, redescribing it, in pragmatical terms, as a philosophy that is not the foundation of culture any more, but serves for searching personal autonomy and auto-creation, letting to the literature the role of making possible for persons to create and maintaining the sense of solidarity in the comunity. We enphasize the fact that Rorty proposes the philosophy as searching for auto-realization inserted in a broader proposal, that of the liberal ironic society, a utopia created by the author to overcome not only philosophical problems, but social, politic and ethical problems of the contemporary man



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