Representações de mulheres em união heterossexual estável sobre a vulnerabilidade à infecção pelo HIV/AIDS. / Representações de mulheres em união heterossexual estável sobre a vulnerabilidade à infecção pelo HIV/AIDS.




This is a descriptive study of quantitative and qualitative approach developed in order to apprehend and compare the social representations of women in stable heterosexual marriage that live in a town within the social representations of those who live in the capital about vulnerability to HIV/aids, through Social Representation Theory and gender as an analytical category. The study included 195 women in stable heterosexual union met in two Basic Health Units located in Salvador / Bahia and another in the municipal district, located within this state. We observed the ethical-legal requirements of Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council. The data were produced by the technique of free association of words, a themed story drawing and semi-structured interview. The treatment of data was performed using factorial analysis of correspondence through the software tri-deux-mots and technical content analysis. The results of the factorial correspondence analysis showed significance for the fixed variables: education, length of marriage and origin. The social representations of vulnerability to AIDS show changes in social representations of AIDS when women point out the betrayal and trust in the male partner as something that leaves them more vulnerable to HIV infection. For the group of Jequié with less time of marriage there is passivity to the betrayal of the partner. While the group of Salvador with six to ten years of marriage emphasizes his practice monogamous and not promiscuous, and advocates from referrals by the betrayal of one partner by invoking religion, although they do not show apparent submission to the partner in the marriage relationship as the Jequiés group. Women with more experience with marriage and basic schooling build the belief of their own invulnerability. Women with a high school degree and little marital experience put on alert their vulnerability. The social representations obtained show invisibility of social and programmatic vulnerability and the religions influence in the representational content.


aids vulnerabilidade em saúde vulnerabilidade em saúde health vulnerability aids aids gênero e saúde gender and health enfermagem gênero e saúde

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