RepercussÃo da desnutriÃÃo e do treinamento aerÃbio moderado sobre a estrutura da parede arterial de ratos em processo de envelhecimento




We evaluated the late effects of multideficient diet in early period of lactation and the possible effects and/or some alterations due to aging and moderate aerobic training (MAT) in luminal diameter and intima-media area of left common carotid arteries, horizontal aorta and thoracic horizontal aorta walls. Twenty-four male rats, Wistar, were separated according to diet and aerobic trainnig in: SNG â Sedentary nourished, TNG - Trained nourished; SMG - Sedentary malnourished and TMG - Trained malnourished. At 10 months of life, TNG and TMG were submitted to AT in aquatic device for 8 weeks. Then the rats were anesthetized, sacrificed, and later, arterial fragments were collected for histological processing. The intima-media area of blood vessels were measured by the difference between external and internal areas of the arterial wall; and luminal diameter was measured from the average of 2 diameters measured starting at 4 points marked on the inner layer of the vessel. It was observed a decrease in the intima-media area of horizontal aorta when we compared the groups SNG (335566.83 Â 58149.13) x SMG (259487.72 Â 51742.44), [p = 0.015] and an increase in left common carotid artery between the groups TNG (36531.42 Â 4164.45) and SNG (23663.72 Â 3036.43) [p = <0.001]. It was observed an increase in the thoracic aorta luminal diameter when we compared the SMG (798.98 Â 69.83) with TMG (980.35 Â 154.62) [p = 0.041]. Multicarencial diet induced, partially, changes in horizontal aortic wall; and the exercise, also partially, promoted changes in the intima-media area of the left common carotid artery and thoracic aorta luminal diameter


remodelamento arterial multideficient diet arterial remodeling desnutriÃÃo multicarencial aging envelhecimento. treinamento aerÃbio anatomia patologica e patologia clinica aerobic exercise

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