Relações entre conhecimentos matemátcos escolares e conhecimentos do cotidiano forjadas na constituição de práticas de numeramento na sala de aula da educação de jovens e adultos




In this study, we analyzed the relations established by students in Adult and Youth Education (EJA) between mathematical knowledge taught by the school and the knowledge they acquire in other areas of their lives. These relations can be seen (and recognized as constituent parts of) numeracy practices used in discursive interactions in school teaching-learning situations. Inspired by the work of Paulo Freire, and based on the conclusions drawn in studies that adopt an Ethnomathetical approach, the development of this research led us to abandon the expression prior knowledge and to adopt the perspective of knowledge as a social construction, the fruit of dialogue, which is at times rowdy, other times conciliatory, between modes of knowledge.


educação de adultos educação teses

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