Regularização da ocupação urbana em Uberlândia: loteamento São Francisco/Joana D Arc - uma contribuição




The objective of this work is to analyze the regularization process at São Francisco and Joana D Arc districts, in Uberlândia-MG. This irregular allotment had beginning in 2000. We observed that this is not a reality only of Uberlândia city, because it is observed in all Brazil, mainly in big and medium cities. This process is consequence of the interests of diverse social agents: the State, agrarian proprietors, estate agency promoters and excluded social groups. The irregular city our object of study is that one out of law. To have access to the city and to the house the people are taken to disregard the law, improvising forms of housing. Generally speaking, the big and medium cities are structuralized in form to privilege some space points. The right to the housing as well as to the security of families permanence in the occupied areas, regularizing the land ownership it had started to be priority questions from the 1990 and to the 2000 decades in Brazil.In this direction, to understand the regularization process of São Francisco and Joana D Arc allotment we did a bibliographical survey, photographic register, mapping and interviews with the associations of inhabitant leads. We concludes that as well as in other cities that pass or already had passed for the irregular occupations experience, regularizing it, in many cases, we observed that is not possible in a period of four years to initiate and to finish a regularization process. There are registry office implications because the notary s offices of property are still not prepared for the register new urban situations, mainly the new urban instruments regularization considered by the Estatuto da Cidade, approved in July of 2001. In the case of the São Francisco and Joana D Arc irregular districts, the regularization process was still not materialize mainly because judicially had not been found the all area heirs, what hinders the dispossession payment. The slowly process provokes in the interested population a discouragement in relation to the situation where they lives, but for beyond everything this exists the question about the time to regularize what means more difficult to contain the invasions continuity, commercialization and/or exchange of lots or houses in irregular form. In relation to the population, it is considered that in social inclusion terms some municipal and federal programs exist of which the low income population irregular allotment can participate, thus not having the necessity of specific programs creating for the resident population in the irregular allotment. It was verified that the regularization in course didnt consider a series of questions that demands or had demanded mechanisms of intervention of the Public Power in the urban space aiming to correct distortions.


loteamento irregular uberlândia irregular allotment regularização fundiária geografia urbana-uberlândia (mg) agrarian regularization geografia estatuto da cidade loteamento-uberlândia (mg) city statute

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