Refazendo familias : trajetorias familiares de homens recasados / Rebuilding families : family patterns of remarriage men




This work deals with the recent changes in family life, exploring the social contexts of families following remarriage of separated or divorced men. The aim of this research is to discuss how conjugality is articulated to male reproductive intentions and behavior. In a more specific way, the scope of this PhD thesis is to discuss and evaluate the extent to which a new conjugal union and the existence of children from previous unions influence male decision to have more kids. The research has developed along two stages. In the quantitative one, data from the 1996 DHS sample of the male population, and information from IBGE Vital Statistics on divorces and marriages. The second stage involved a qualitative field research, including 20 semi-structured interviews, conducted with 10 men and their current partner in Campinas, São Paulo (Brazil). For the group of informants - males and females - a new union implies the building up of a family project that ideally takes into account only the relationship of the couple, disregarding any external interference. However - since the past doesn t disappear from the subjects experience - the existence of children from previous unions and the kind of relationship men establish with their children - residents and non-residents - seem to affect the intentions of having a child with the new partner. From the analysis of the interviews and the inspiration from the literature about remarriage and stepfamilies, we were able to show that remarried men who have greater chances to have more children were those who: a) have married with women who have not had children yet; b) who have children but these are not living with the new couple, c) those living with less than two children from the first marriage and/or stepchildren. Remarried men tending to reject having more than one child with the new partner are those who: a) the partner already has three or more children; or b) those living with more than two children from the first marriage and stepchildren


family casamento reprodução humana familia human reprodução humana fertilidade humana fertility marriage masculinity masculinidade

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