Eternos aprendizes : o vinculo paterno em homens separados e recasados de camadas medias




This work is about paternal conceptions and practices between divorced and remarriage middle classes men. Respondents were asked about parental relationship in their family origin, the context in which their owns families were construct, the divorce and how it affected the contact with their children. In some cases questions about the context of remarriage also asked. In this group the paternal bound is discussion through 3 elements: contact, emotional involvement and biological bound. To be breadwinner and to be more present and participant in the live of children were considerate essential in the paternal relation. Although, during the marriage they had adopt a division of domestic labor based on gender. In this sense, the respondents think that their paternal experience in this context wasn t so good. It was more responsibility and less pleasure. The divorce was perceived like a situation in which they had had more possibility to interact with their children. In the discourses, emotional dimension of paternal bound was considered very important here. For no live together they assumed the perspective that is more important the quality than the quantity of time they stay with children. Between remarriage men, children s partner of another marriage are raised like own their children but they feel there are limits for this because these children have a biological father who have toa some responsibilities for them. Divorce and remarriage are situations that take place for these men the need of rethinking their ideas and conducts like fathers, in this way, they understand fatherhood is construct in a ongoing learn process


paternidade divorcio familia parentesco

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