Reconstrução fonológica e lexical do Proto-Jê meridional / Phonological and lexical reconstruction of Proto-Southern Jê




This dissertation attempts to reconstruct Proto-Southern Jê (PSJ) phonology and its lexicon. The Southern Jê is one of the three branches of the Jê family and comprises five languages: Xokleng, Kaingang, São Paulo Kaingang, Ingain and Kimdá. While other comparative works have focused mainly on PSJ phonology, this study concentrates too on the reconstruction of a wide range of its lexicon. This research acknowledged all the previous works as a start point. It has seven main chapters: §1 describes some aspects of the origin of the southern Jê peoples and languages, based on archaeological and some historical records; §2-§3 deal essentially with theoretical topics on historical linguistics, dynamic models of language change and phonological analysis in a structuralist perspective. §4. describes the phonological system of each of the members of PSJ (excepting Kimdá), encompassing: (i) a sketch of the phonetic segments; (ii) a description of the vocalic and consonantal phonemes based on criteria of free variation, complementary distribution and opposition, and (iii) their syllable structure and accentual pattern, as well as their phonemic distribution. In §5. I reconstruct the phonological system of PSJ, detailing the innovations regarded to each language as well as a series of unexplained sound changes. In §6. a lexicon of the PSJ is presented with morphological details. The last chapter features some considerations about the time depth of PSJ and fetches some questions for future research


linguística - história linguas jê estruturalismo trubetzkoyano mudanças linguísticas reconstrução (linguistica) linguistics je languages trubetzkoyan structuralism linguistic change reconstruction (linguistics)

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