Railroad simulation on closed loop and its applications in Brazil evaluation of alternatives on choosing train destination. / Simulação em ciclo fechado de malhas ferroviárias e suas aplicações no Brasil: avaliação de alternativas para o direcionamento de composições.




The rail network simulation models considering trains on closed loop may have many disturbances. These disturbances are caused by the railnet traffic, or queues at the load/unload stations, that changes the movement previously planned. The validation of these simulation models can be problematic because of these disturbances, and the search for the right validation procedure must count with a good train destination choosing process. The lack of studies about the validation of simulations applied to rail networks, considering the specific features of the closed loop trains and the disturbances, have leaded this thesis development, which proves that the development of algorithms that represent the movement process of the trains under sufficient detailing level, and the adoption of a correct destination choosing process, reaches the model validation. From the three options evaluated to represent this destination choosing procedure: random choosing between many loading points to one unloading point, or an internal model routine to do this same task, or an external optimization model called from the simulation model, was choosen the second option, because it validates the model and runs the simulation experiment faster. Once prepared the model with the destination choosing process selected, was possible to conduct experiments to measure the model sensitivity to the main parameters at the design of brazilian rail networks.


decision heuristics sistemas de transportes (simulação computacional) computational simulation roteirização railroads optimization discrete event simulation ferrovias

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