Quatro estados de afasia e um sujeito da linguagem : um estudo neurolinguistico / Four states of aphasia and one subject of language : a neurolinguistic´s study




This study will present the case of a young man (R.S.) who, at 21, suffered a severe cranio-encephalic trauma (CET) which affected his whole left hemisphere as well as sub-cortical regions, leaving as main sequels right-side hemiplegia and difficulties in terms of language, body, gestures and perception. The study will try to understand the workings of R.S.´s language, given the extent and severity of his injuries and, using his case as a springboard, to bring up some considerations on relevant neurolinguistic issues, such as the importance of discourse-oriented clinical practice (the importance of actively exercising language); aphasia, as seen according to Freud´s theory (1891/1973), as a dissociation (especially in super-associative processes) between visual, acoustic and kinesthetic elements which make up linguistic-cognitive processes, but whose recovering is possible by means of the more well-preserved elements acting jointly in meaningcreating processes and in accessing the most damaged elements (offering thereby a path to clinical practice); aphasia´s heterogeneity and its attendant classification problems; the relationships between aphasia and language-acquisition; the relevance of literacy in aphasia; and the importance of the social factor in the recovering process as, in R.S.´s case, his (re)insertion in the realm of study and work, clinically healing aspects for his linguistic-cognitive activities and his subjectivity.


linguagem neurolinguistic neurolinguistica linguistic aphasia language afasia linguistica writting escrita

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