Da relação linguagem e praxia : estudo neurolinguistico de um caso de afasia




The aim of this research is to discuss the inter-relation of the cognitive processes - language and praxia, as well as linguistic and praxical alterations which are common in acquired brain lesions, respectively, aphasia and apraxia. These processes are studied by traditional Neurophychology an Neurolinguistic under a dissociative approach, that is, like independent or autonomous processes. Unlike the traditional studies in the areas mentioned above, this study adopts a theoretical and methodological perspective which emphasizes the relation of those processes, considering that they can be apprehended within their conditions of effective use. In other words, such processes can be analysed in the context of production and interpretation of verbal and non-verbal significance. This research assumes the vygotskyan postulate that language participates, directly or indirectly, of the organization and functioning of ali cognitive processes: attention, perception, memory, praxia and logical-formal thought which, in turn, presuppose a dynamic, systemic and integrated brain functioning. A neurolinguistic case study is carried on this research, in which linguistic-praxical data are taken from the longitudinal research and therapeutical procedures of CF, oriented by a discursive conception of language. The structuring role of the phonetic and gestural prompting and of the so-called enunciative scenes for the oral and gestural production of CF is analyzed. It is also emphasized the relation of the language system with ali the exterior facts which are also involved in language activities - exterior discursivo , term used by COUDRY in her discursive studies of aphasia - as a condiction of fundamental importance to the significative activity. From this theoretical approach derives som e evaluation procedures of buco-facial praxia to better understand the gestural production of the facial and oral organs - which are referred to as phono-articulatory, and are related to the phonological level of language. These procedures differ from the traditional evaluation of buco-facial apraxia which are constituted by contextless verbal commands elaborated according to the standard and normative language, privileging the metapraxical activity


neurolinguistica afasia gestos aprasia linguagem

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