Quantum dots: photodetectors, weak localization and counter-rotating edge states / Pontos-quânticos: fotodetectores, localização-fraca e estados de borda contra-rotativos




In this work we present transport properties of heterostructures with quantum-dots. Three subjects were exploited: on the first one, we observed anomalous quantum Hall plateaus, for wich we attributed to the existence of counter-rotating edge-states; on the second subject, we determined the decoherence time of the bidimensional electron system as a function of the evolutionary stage of nearby self-assembled quantum-dots. We concluded the mechanical stress accumulated during the epitaxial growth "freezes" the electrons, reducing the decoherence rate; finally, we tested some base-heterostructures of infrared photodetectors. We observed the stacking of active-regions can be used as a parameter to control quantum-mobilities and, as a consequence, the operation properties of such detectors.


quantum hall effect counter rotating edge states weak localization. quantum dots efeito hall quântico localização-fraca pontos-quânticos fotodetectores photodetectors estados de borda contrarotativos poço-quântico-duplo

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