Produções do espaço-tempo no cotidiano escolar : um estudo das marcas e territorios na educação infantil




This research work had as object of study the school time-space and had as objective: Go through the marks of the time-space that insert themselves in the school routine, as well as focus how we, teachers and our students, constitute the school territories from the organization of the time-space. Trying to develop and understand our objectives, an ethnographic research was done in a public school, located in a medium sized city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It was called Paradise School. Informed by Mayumi Souza Lima, Milton Santos, Michel Foucault, Maria Malta Campos, Antônio Viñao Frago e Augustín Escolano, among others, as well as by art images and literature, and also ruled by the memories and options of the research-teacher who did not abdicate from her double condition while doing this work, two classrooms and the school were focused through accounts of daily records, teacher s speeches, photographs, blueprints, and class records. From these places and in the interlacement of different discourses and inscriptions, it was possible to detect the productions of the time-space in the school routine, woven by marks and territories. These productions expose marks (and our own marks) inscribed in the school time-space, as well as the differentiated appropriations (territories) attained by the teachers and students. The marks (and our marks) inscribed in the school time-space were named by us as hidden space, hygienization space, power space, time space, and authority space. These findings are not dissociated from its differentiated appropriations (territories) lived, devised, and built by teachers and students, which were named dispute spaces, transgression space, resistance space, creation space, and power space. It was concluded that the time-space has multiple meanings that go beyond the classroom, the teacher, and the school; that the space reorganization in the classroom/school, by the teacher, by the students, or by the pair teacher-student, which is even better, contributes to the construction of new relationships between the teacher and the students, as well as among the students, and it also can help the deconstruction of roles and relationships marked in the spaces and times of power present in the space relations already established throughout the school history. It was concluded that focussing the productions of the space-time in the school curriculum enables us to amplify the horizons of possibilities in the Infant Education.


professores poder (ciencias sociais) espaço e tempo educação de crianças ensino

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