Quality management system as support axis for companies in transformation / Sistema de gestão da qualidade como eixo de sustentação para organizações em transformação : o caso da CTEEP/CESP




The rebuilding ofthe National Electricity generating segment and the partial privatization of electric power mills of São Paulo have brought to the State Companies (Companies of electrical energy, transmition, and distribution of electricity) the need of adopting a competitive position in the new-bom power market, less steady and less prepared, in which new approaches have been inserted. In the CTEEP - (Company ofElectricity Transmission), the company which had its origin in the partial breaking off of the CESP (Electrical Power Company of São Paulo), and that remained a state Company. The preparation for this process required the adoption of strategies which went beyond the rebuilding and the rupture. The main objective was to keep its position in the market, in a very healthy and competitive way. The possibility of, in advance, changing, and getting ready for them was a decisive factor for the whole process to be achieved without any traumas inside, through an adjustable and flexible position. The operating process of the changes had as a support the Quality Management, which seen in a wider sense, integrate elements from several Administration Theories, of the organizational Development, and of the systematic approach, besides taking into consideration the technical features, and the "specific limits" ofthe management of sectors. Under this outlook the Management Quality System which has been improved in the company goes beyond the process standardizing, and has the function of simplifying and busting the internal process of organizationallearning, and also the sharing of "organizational wareness". The analysis of the historical evolution, and of entrepreunership transformation shows the aplicability of the Concepts of Quality Management in the Company sectors. As a State Company though, it is not free from obeying the law regulations,from answering the National Treasure, and the political questions, alI ofwhich are originated in its constitution of associates. It s not difticult to notice how much the Quality Management System can help to keep and widen the set of existing resources in the company, in spite of the intensity and dimension of the strategical . changes that sometimes become necessary


total quality management gestão da qualidade total gestão de empresas business management

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