Qualidade nutricional e tecnológica de grãos em genótipos de feijão




This study evaluated environmental effects on the nutritional quality of common bean grains and estimated the genetic variability in the technological grain quality of cultivars and lines adapted to the edaphoclimatical conditions of the state of Paraná. Two experiments were conducted, one with the carioca bean and the other with the black bean group, in the dry season of 2006, at three locations, in the state of Paraná. An experimental design of randomized blocks with three replications was used. Each plot consisted of four 5m-rows, 0.50m apart, considering the two center rows and disregarding 0.5m on either side in the data analysis. After the physiological maturation a sample of 200gr grains was collected on each experimental plot and stored in a cold chamber for later analysis of technological and nutritional quality. Samples from only one location were analyzed for technological quality and the results indicated statistically significant differences between the genotypes for cooking time (TC); percentage of water uptake before (CRAac) and after (CRA pc) cooking and percentage of whole grains after cooking (PGI). However, for other technological characteristics such as: expansion volume after cooking (EXPVpc), dry grain density (DS), grain density after maceration (DU) and grain density after cooking (DC). No statistically significant differences were observed between the cultivars and lines evaluated. The performance of the genotypes was discriminated using multivariate analysis, considering the different technological characteristics. The multivariate analysis makes it possible to distinguish the behaviour of the genotypes and the technological characteristics related with the expansion and density grain before and after the cooking contributed to the variability. For nutritional quality, the results of the joint variance analyses revealed significant effects for genotype, environment and genotype per environment interaction for grain protein and mineral content. These results indicate the existence of genetic variability in the cultivars and lines studied and influence of the environment on the contents of protein and the minerals P, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, B, Mn, Fe, S, and K in the bean grains. The significance of the genotype per environment interaction for the nutritional characteristics indicates a differentiated response of the genotypes to environmental variations. Information on the nutritional characteristics in grains at different locations of cultivation must therefore be considered in genetic breeding programs.


feijão - teor mineral feijão - qualidade feijão - melhoramento genético feijão - teor protéico beans - breeding beans - protein content beans - mineral content

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