Psychology and disciplinary writing : report as strategies to populations control / Escrita disciplinar e psicologia : laudos como estrategia de controle das populações




This project presents an analysis of Psychological Findings such as texts built in imbricated scientific, technical and administrative discourses, and that today, in the Brazilian society, are reason of tension within the psychologists professional category and that also in the institutions where they are demanded, required, discussed, taught, regulated, rejected, refuted and transformed in elements of juridical disputes to recognize or not its validity. Affiliated to the subjectivity s theories, this thesis understands that the subject is an effect of the constructed discourse, therefore, by language; ergo, this writing builds a subject in psychological language; however, the hegemonic subject in the Psychological Finding is the disciplinary subject - put in psi language, according to the modern dichotomic logic, and consequently, adequate or inadequate subject, disciplined or undisciplined subject, appropriated or not, in accordance to the criteria of this power device. For being one of the Biopower agents, the Psychological Finding is inserted in the population control strategies and in the State archives. However, being in the discourse order, the Finding itself is object of control and the Documents Written by Psychologists Elaboration Manual - corpus of the present research - can be considered an instrument of discursive control, as a writing model, and disciplinary, as a regimental model. When affirming that the subject is built in psi language one can have the impression that this subject is defined according to a technical or professional language; nevertheless, in the analysis of the five psychological findings it is observed a panacea in a already disseminated and naturalized discourse. The ethical and social consequences of the psi discourse dissemination go from the banalization of the findings to the enfeeblement of the juridical, educational and administrative processes based on them


psicologia writing psychology discourse report subjectivity discurso escrita arquivos subjetividade

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