Povos indigenas, identidade e escrita : constituição de uma autoria academica / Indian people, identity and writing : an academic writing constitution




The following study has been focused in the Indian authorship in an academic writing, which is formulated in an interpretation move which takes place among other meanings, the Other memory and the Non-Indian. Based on the theoretical basis of the French line Discourse Analysis, the selected "corpus" is a result of texts produced by Indians who have attended a specific course to obtain the Indian Teacher s license at Unemat (2001-2005 Class). The analyses consist of texts from "Intercultural Practice Series", "Indian Educational Book" and also from "Final Paper". The course of publication and circulation of these texts have been aimed as well. The main goal in this study is to understand the Indian subject filiation process to an Other memory in order to make oneself an academic author. The analyzed linguistic sequences highlights the way the Indian subject filiates to the academic writing. The study result shows that the change of the Indian discourse into the academic discourse is in the process, because the identified filiations, whether as the pre-constructed, the exterior effect or the reader-subject of the Indian Knowledge, brings out a meaning movement from one discourse into another. Although the new produced meanings are determined by the just filiated discourse memory


teacher s license autoria redação academica indians formação de professores análise do discurso indios discourse analysis authorship academic writing

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