Proposições de iniciativa parlamentar : projetos de lei apresentados no Senado Federal entre 1987 e 2005




The aim of this work is to analyze the bills of law presented by senators, among the years 1987-2005, in the context of Executive Power preponderance over the legislative output, due to prerogatives imputed by Brazilian constitution of 1988. It was verified the increase of bills presented along the period despite the low probability that a bill presented by senators becomes a law. The results revealed that 44% of the 5.540 bills were archived and only 149 or 3.17% of the total became law. These facts and the long time of the legislative procedures suggest that bills have primordial functions to show electoral districts the parliamentary opinion over important issues as well as show the parliamentary effort to satisfy voters and electoral districts interests.


tramitação produção legislativa projetos de lei brasil.congresso nacional. senado federal ciencia politica prerrogativas

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