Projeto e implementação de variabilidade em arquiteturas baseadas no modelo de componentes COSMOS* / Design and implementation of architectural variabilities based on COSMOS*




Nowadays, many efforts are being made to achieve a high degree of reuse during systems development. Software Product Lines (SPL) is a modern approach to improve software reuse, and one of its main artifacts is the Product Line Architecture (PLA). A PLA provides a global view of the variabilities of a SPL, while it embodies the concepts and advantages of the traditional software architecture. Due to its variabilities, a PLA is harder to evolve than a convetional software architecture. The main goal of this work is to propose a new model to specify and implement software variabilities of component-based PLAs. Our proposed solution is an extension of the component implementation model COSMOS*, called COSMOS*-VP, which employs specific elements and modern aspect-oriented approaches to modularize architectural variation points, aiming at the improvement of architectural stability of PLAs, and thus, facilitating their evolution. The validation of the proposed solution was made using two SPLs, which were targed of several real evolution scenarios. During the evolution, the PLAs created using COSMOS*-VP had their stability measured using metrics of change impact and modularity. The results of the proposed model were compared with those achieved using the COSMOS* model


engenharia de software software - arquitetura componentes de software software engineering software - desenvolvimento architecture software development software components

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