Produtividade de biomassa e interaÃÃes Ãrvore-cultivo em sistemas agroflorestais no Agreste da ParaÃba




Agroforestry systems, such as alley cropping or the implantation of glricidia hedgerows (Gliricidia sepium), are being adopted in agricultural family properties in the rural area of ParaÃba with the objetective of bettering soil fertility and increasing cattle breeding productivity. However, studies regarding the dynamics of nutrients, water and biomass production in agricultural family systems, are prctically non existent, with incorporaton of this arborous component. With the objetctive of understanding the nature and the range of these processes the present study was developed, from 2003 to 2005, at the SÃo Miguel Agroecologycal Center (CASM), in the muncipality of EsperanÃa, in semi-arid ParaÃba, Brazil. In the first part of the work (chapter one), the effects of prescence of gliricidia in cultivated systems with (CA) and without hedgerows (SA) and organic fertilizer with manure or gliricidia foliage over productivity of grain and stalks of maize and also the total productivity of biomass in the systems were quantified. The productivity the cultivated systems without hedgerows was 268%, 129% and 166% greater than in the CA systems, in the first, second and third years, respectively. Along the threes years, however, the CA systems was able to produce greater total quantities of biomass (86%, 120% and 36%) when compared with the SA systems. There were no significant differences between the incorporation of manure and gliricidia foliage, regarding the corn and spontaneus native vegetation productivity, nevertheless, both the organic sources sinificantly increased the productivity of corn and spontaneus native vegetation when compared with the control tretament. In the second part (chapter two) of research, the effect of introduction of rows of G. sepium is described seven years after the planting of the trees, in fields cultivated with corns, regarding: (i) total organic carbon content (COT), P, K and light organic matter (MOL) of soil, (ii) microclimatic characteristics, (iii) soil humidity measured with neutron probe (iv) productivity and absortion of nutrients by the corn, and (v) the fall G. Sepium foliage. The foliage dry mass below the rows of trees was 1390 kg ha-1 and graduallydiminished to 270 kg ha-1 a distance of 3 m from trees. The concentrations of P, K and light organic matter below the trees were greater than 1 m and 3 m distance from the rows. The monthly mean maximum temperatures of soil and air were 6 and 2 ÂC higher at 3 m from trees, respectively. The soil humidity was significantly lower below the trees than at 1 and 3 m distance. The maize produced more grain and stalk and accumulated more nutrients in the positions nearer (1 and 2 m) to the rows of G. sepium


semi-arid region in brazil semi-Ãrido engenharia nuclear green manure matÃria orgÃnica leve sistemas agroflorestais umidade do solo soil moisture adubaÃÃo orgÃnica light fraction of soil organic matter agroforestry systems

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